Tips and Tricks: Growing your Readership

Hello my lovelies and a very happy Friday to you all! Although blogging is first and foremost a hobby for me, there’s no denying the little thrill that runs through you upon discovery of a new follower. It’s humbling, as if all your effort is justified and let’s face it, it spurs you on. I like to think that as your blog grows you grow with it, developing skills, making friends, opening doors. I would also like to point out however that in no way, shape or form does a number categorise you as more or less of a blogger than anyone else, have you 10 followers or 10,000, your blog is a unique footprint on the sandy shore of the internet. I understand the obsession of reaching 201 and craving a more rounded 250, as everyone needs a bit of a confidence boost now and then, so here are my top tips in reeling in the readers…
You had me at hello: Social interaction within the blogging community is imperative because you want to be seen as making friends, not followers. Your readers want to see that you’re not a mere robot cast behind a computer screen, so let your personality and passion shine through. The likes of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are brilliantly beneficial resources when it comes to reaching out to readers so don’t be afraid of a little interaction. Blog chats, regularly hosted on Twitter are a tremendous source of traffic, as you get to connect with the community.
Help me help you: Identify those looking for guest bloggers and get in contact. Posting on another persons blog gains excellent exposure, elevating your name and growing a wider audience in the process. If you’re also willing to spend a bit of money for the cause, most blogs offer advertising in exchange for acknowledgment, such as giving your blog regular recommendation through social media or linking your blog’s url at the end of one of their blogposts. For as little as a pound a month you can raise your blog through the ranks.
Know your niche: In my experience, readers tend not to return to a blog that is chaotic with inconsistencies, it’s true that you yourself should be your own niche but do take the time to discover who YOU are. For example, in real life I enjoy all things cute and quirky, so it should be only right that my blog reflects those idiosyncrasies with the inclusion of hearts, flowers etc – keeping your blog constant with also keep your audience constant.
Quality over quantity: Even though keeping a regular blogging routine is important, as it lets your readers know what posts to expect and when, never feel that you should just churn out a post for the sake of it. Never settle for second best, as your readers will quickly pick up on the quality inconsistencies and begin to lose heed. Try not to force your posts, if the timings not right, it’s not right and if you’re feeling a lull in inspiration, take a step back, take a break and breathe, you’ll soon find your mojo again. Whenever I hit a dry spell, I seek inspiration and ideas from all sorts: books, magazines and of course one can never forget the holy grail of the internet.
Facts tell, but stories sell: When writing, it’s important to inject your posts with a personal touch, add humour, include metaphors; don’t let your blog become a stagnate series of facts and figures. A beauty blogger once told me that if her readers simply wanted a general gist of her reviews, with factual information and no more, then they’re better off visiting the Boots website. People read blogs because they can see a bit of themselves in the writing, because we’re personal, relatable and honest. Don’t let your blog become just a series of words and phrases, it’s your corner of the internet so make it your own!


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