Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying an Air Purifier


Most people think that outdoor air is the only polluted air resulting from gas emissions from cars, industries, and many more. However, indoor air can be more contaminated than outside, considering so much time is spent there, and airflow is limited. Polluted air puts us at risk of ailments and infections; thus, air purifiers are essential in homes or offices, classrooms, and hospitals example, the commercial air purifier. We look at ways of shopping for an air purifier below.

How to Shop for an Air Purifier

Shopping for an air cleaner can be a challenging experience due to the different types in the market. In addition, not knowing how they operate contributes to the confusion. The following are questions you need to ask yourself before choosing an air purifier.

ü Why Do You Need It?

Knowing exactly why you need the device helps to pick the right one for your space. Air purifiers are the best solution for clean and good quality air indoors. The purifiers are designed to trap contaminants, but some only remove specific pollutants from the air. Various needs like allergies, Asthma conditions, and smoke are eliminated using different purifiers. A cleaner designed to trap allergens, odors and control asthma has several HEPA filters for efficiency. There are specific smoke air cleaners and also those that remove chemicals that may be sensitive to you. Pet air purifiers are also available in stores which makes handling them easy.

ü Which Features Does the Air Purifier Need to Have?

The features vary based on several factors like the technology used, the model, price, and much more. Some of them are standard, but special features can be added to your liking. Energy-saving air purifiers are ideal for energy conservation and come with an energy star rating by EPA. Some are WIFI enabled for ease of control from your phone or computer. Some are designed to show the quality of your air before and after filtration. Others include fan speeds, handles, cater wheels, and remote controls.

ü What is the Best Location for the Air Purifier?

Most air cleaners are placed in the bedroom, especially for asthmatic people; however, you are not limited in location. You can choose a portable cleaner with handles and caster wheels for more effortless movement around the home. If you need to filter the air in multiple rooms, select the whole-house device or get several units for every room.

ü What Size of Air Purifier Do You Need?

Size is highly dependent on the space you want to place it. The sizes vary from small, medium, large, and whole-house. Small air purifiers are ideal for rooms with 300 and below square feet, while medium serve rooms above 300 to 700 square feet. The large air cleaners are perfect for spaces bigger than 700 square feet to 2000 feet. Above that range, a whole-house-sized device is recommended to cater to the entire house.

Final Word

Before settling for an air purifier, ensure it filters the necessary contaminants and the size is right for your room size. Also, check on factors like cost, efficiency levels, and ease of use before buying.

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